Proud to be green
Anglia Print has a considered policy for awards: we don’t enter printing industry awards, we enter those where our ethos and actions will be judged by experts.
2019 IEMA Sustainability Impact Awards. Sustainable Organisation
Institute for Environmental Management & Assessment recognises the people and businesses that are transforming the world to sustainability. Anglia Print received high praise for its ethos and actions.
2016 The Queen’s Award for Enterprise: Sustainable Development
The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are for outstanding achievement by UK businesses. Anglia Print’s award was in recognition of pioneering achievements in our sector and for actively addressing all potential sustainable impacts within our influence.
2012 Anglia Business Green 100
Archant in partnership with Suffolk Chamber of Commerce recognised the sustainability achievements of Anglia Print Ltd with this award. The EADT/EDP Green 100 was a celebration of those businesses in Suffolk and Norfolk which are leading the way in sustainability.
2008 and 2009 Norwich Eco Award
Norwich Eco Award celebrates people who made an environmentally friendly contribution to their local area or the county in the last year. In 2009, Anglia Print Ltd was recognised by being awarded both the Norwich Eco Hero and Norwich Eco Business Awards.
2005 and 2009 Green Apple
Anglia Print Ltd is proud to have won, in 2005 and also 2009, the Green Apple National Gold Winner Award for Environmental Best Practice. The Green Apple Environment Awards, are the annual international campaign to recognise, reward and promote environmental best practice around the world. Launched in 1994 by The Green Organisation they have become well established as one of the most popular environmental campaigns in the world.